My 28th birthday is approaching.
It feels so weird to type those words. Deep down, I feel a lot like Josh Baskin in Big -- this perpetually awkward preteen who wakes up one morning to find herself living this grown-up's life.
It's so strange.
I've been thinking about wasted time.
From a yogic perspective, there's no such thing, right? You walk the path you're supposed to be on, you learn the lessons you're meant to learn. Etcetera.
But I can't stop thinking about how much time I spend doing things I don't even want to do. Things I do out of obligation, or boredom, or lack of imagination. And the longer that mental list gets, the more I start to feel like -- Yeah. I wasted some time there.
Life is meant to be enjoyed. To be savored. So that's my goal for 28 - to savor every experience. To make sure every goal I set is something I truly want to achieve for myself, and to enjoy the process of achieving it. To stop putting so much stock in what other people think I should do, or what they think about me.
To learn to trust myself more.
Happy birthday to me.